Saturday April 25 2009 was the 3rd Annual Sesame Place day for children with Autism which was sponsored by Variety - the Children's Charity (Philadelphia, PA) and what an awesome day we had. The boys were a little hesitate about going because they were big boys and not preschool kids. When I told them we were going they thought about Big Bird, Elmo, and all the other characters and they would be the only 11 year olds there among all the preschool kids. My daughter jumped on the idea of going (after a lil' white lie had to be told). There was such a wide variety of ages one didn't even realize we were at an amusement park geared toward the younger generation. The temps made it into the high 80's and the water rides were open which made this trip much more enjoyable (although the water was colder than ice if that is possible). We only made it on one dry attraction and the rest of the time was spent in the water park. The clip above was actually suppose to be still photos. I took the pics thinking they would be still photos not realizing my daughter had her camera set for video. After a few editing techniques in Windows Movie Maker, I was able to pull all the 'pictures' together.
What is even better is we get a return trip free of charge through June 21. I am excited to return as are the kids as the water hopefully will be much warmer.