Wednesday, June 17, 2009

End of Year Pics

Well, the boys did it.. Congrats to them. Both earning awards for perfect attendance - M this last semester, and D the whole year. D receiving the Presidential Academic Excellance Award and of course their 5th grade diplomas. Where has the time gone? As both boys got off the bus this afternoon, I had D excited the summer has finally begun and M running to me crying that school is out for the summer. It took almost an hour to calm him down only by promising him we will do "mom's" summer school during the break. I included pics of our 'annual' end of school bus stop gang and the boys receiving their diplomas. Click on pic to enlarge and take notice of the young man's expression in the yellow hoodie. This pretty much was his attitude throughout the day knowing that it was the last day of school.

Here we go summer.....

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