Thursday, January 22, 2009

Itty Bitty Time Out

I just read a news article that tells me single mom's need to remind themselves to take itty-bitty time outs. My so called itty bitty timeouts I get is when I need take care of personal business - you know - my timeout room is in the bathroom. Gosh even the experts tell one this: "Time out should be done in a boring place such as the bathroom, the hall, a stairwell, or other area where there is likely to be little entertainment. "

No entertainment in the bathroom for me (unless.. well use your imagination). But omg, I can't even go to the bathroom or take a shower without someone knocking on the door or calling me from the other room. So where should my itty bitty timeout be? In my closet, downstairs in the cold laundry room, under my bed ... or maybe I should take this advice:

"I once knew of a mom that bought a wild-looking red bath robe. The rule was when mom came out of her room with that robe on, no one was allowed to ask for anything unless the room was on fire".

If you have a suggestion on where I should give myself itty bitty timeouts, please comment and let me know. If it works I will be sure to post. Well off to another day at work.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day in history

OK, so what were you doing at approximately 12pm when Obama was sworn in? I was handing a Blue Gatorade to one of the students and told him to mark this day down in history. Will he remember 20 yrs from now what he was doing when the nation swore in the first black president -- probably not. I probably wont either -- but this day is significant in 1st - not only for the inauguration but for:

- M's frog peed in his hand while holding him for the first time today
- I was up at 3 am and for the 1st time actually got back to sleep quickly (even if it was for a short time)
- For the first time I had BOTH boys help clear off my car of snow WITHOUT any fighting (Now mark that down in history)... ha ha

The day isn't over so I am sure there will be even more 1st for this family in this day in history.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


I wake up and see that I can make a 3" snowman - total height. I have this deep desire to go sledding - I hope to make it happen before this winter season is over. Busy day ahead between doc appointment, wash, shopping, cleaning and watching the EAGLES. Started a Home Rule Contract that got a lot of non-compliance to sign but as soon as the boys realized all privileges are revoked until it is signed well - that changed the overall mood. I know it will be difficult over the next few days as usually that is the way things work around here when something new is started - but as soon as the boys realize mom is serious and consistent I am hoping things will change. M is quite hyper this morning - although his meds have only been in him for less than 45 minutes. Kick in meds - please kick in. Have a great day all

Saturday, January 17, 2009


How can one get the daily scoop without knowing a bit more about us all. Let's start here and now. I am a single mom raising the twin boys who will be 11 this year and have been raising them on my own since they were two. I also have 2 older kids J who attends college ft and works pt - he is my future chef (and btw - he did an awesome job this past Thanksgiving cooking dinner for us all). C is my oldest and only daughter. Having just lost her only son due to Krabbes disease she is struggling to find out who she is and how to move forward during this difficult time. I do have to say she is the strongest woman I have ever met. C did an awesome job caring for her son for the 16 months he struggled on this earth. I personally do not think I could of kept it together as well as she did. Kudos to her. I have told her many times how proud I am of her. Her dream is to go back to college to get a degree in the nursing field. I hold high hopes for her. Both of the older kids (from my 1st marriage) are out on their own. The twins (D & M) are from my second marriage. I will not discuss in this blog at all about my previous relationships. This blog is 100% dedicated to the kids and myself.

M has been dx'd with Asperger's in early 2007 and continues to be dx'd with ADHD. I have always loved challenges and believe me he gives me a few challenges each day -- yea, some of them I want to pull all my hair out -- but to date -- i still have all my hair. Amazing isn't it! Since an accurate diagnosis I have been able to get an IEP rolling at school and only this year am I able to really start evaluations/services that will benefit him greatly with his stuggles related to Asperger's. In matter of fact, toward the end of this week he will be evaluated for OT and PT which I am hoping will help with his small motor skills including feeding struggles, gross motor skills, and several sensory issues. We just started with a behavior specialist consultant and I am hoping thru his ABA training that issues we have at home will become much more manageable. I will keep it updated.

D is my typical all-american boy. He loves the outdoors and if I allowed him he would set up tent and live outside. He probably spends a good 80% of his day outside ignoring temperatures even when they are below 32. He does well - extremely well in school. I sometimes wonder if he has any issues but to date nothing has been diagnosed. He has been tested for ADHD and I am being told he has nothing going there. I think most times his behaviors are related to trying to understand his twin brother and learning to accept/deal with his behaviors . D & M are as different as night and day as I tell others. Literally all the way to their blood types being different. From being dark curly hair to M being straight blonde as toddlers.

J is in his first year of college and seems to be enjoying it. Although this year has been in his words too easy as he took the courses in his tech school just two years earlier. He is hoping to go oversees to continue his schooling - I believe he said France. He has his own 'pad' and has really matured over the last year.

C I have mentioned a few times in these blogs. I am really anxious to see how this year unfolds for her.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Happy Birthday to myself

Well today marks minus 2 to the big 50. Just another day I tell all - but really -- is it??? I started the day by waking up the boys - M having alot of trouble awaking - and whispered in his ear -- on this day today 48 years ago - something very special happened. He mumbles - "what". I said mommy was born. M is curled up under a thousand blankets - at least that is the way it seems as I continuously pull a blanket off of him one by one. As I get to the second to last his arms appear and I think I see a half-smile as he wraps his arms around me and says "happy birthday mommy" but he quickly throws the covers back over him and closes his eyes again. I give him the love tap and go over to get D up. As I look over to his bed he isn't there. Oh I say to myself -- he's up and moving already. Then I see an arm appear from under his bed. I get down to the floor - oh now I see what 48 years has done on my body as I hear my bones creaking as I go down. I peer at him under his bed as his eyes brighten up any dark room and D says - "how did you know I was down here"? Ahhhh the things mommy's know. What a beautiful morning it was - not any different than any of day - so yes it is just another day - but I am able to experience another day full of life and adventures and I am sure so many challenges.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Angel in Heaven

This year is going to be so much different than any of year - any! I lost my first and only grandson on December 27, 2008. At a tender age of 16 months - he earned his angel wings after a battle with Krabbe's Disease. I've lost love ones in the past - my dad in 1988, my brother in 2006, even my mom on August 3, 2008. This lost is so much harder. My heart breaks for my daughter - what a wonderful mom she was to Jayden. Jayden was the love of her life. She gave up everything for him. I know Jayden will be watching over all of us and especially his mommy.