Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day in history

OK, so what were you doing at approximately 12pm when Obama was sworn in? I was handing a Blue Gatorade to one of the students and told him to mark this day down in history. Will he remember 20 yrs from now what he was doing when the nation swore in the first black president -- probably not. I probably wont either -- but this day is significant in 1st - not only for the inauguration but for:

- M's frog peed in his hand while holding him for the first time today
- I was up at 3 am and for the 1st time actually got back to sleep quickly (even if it was for a short time)
- For the first time I had BOTH boys help clear off my car of snow WITHOUT any fighting (Now mark that down in history)... ha ha

The day isn't over so I am sure there will be even more 1st for this family in this day in history.

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